Please enter your Mii name, friend code, and safari Pokémon (if you know them) in the boxes above. Then click on "Generate Flair Request" and a message to send to FriendSafariBot will be automatically be generated. Click "Send" on the subsequent screen to send the message if it looks correct. Otherwise, hit the back button, fix it here, and then hit "Generate Flair Request" again. Do not attempt to alter the pre-generated message manually or the bot will likely not know what to do with it!
Important information for newcomers: Unless someone else had already told you what your safari Pokémon are on a different site, leave the last field on the default “I don’t know what’s in my safari.” option. Then once someone else has told you what your Friend Safari Pokémon are, come back to this page and make another flair request with the Pokémon section filled out. Be sure to read the Getting Started guide as well!
Once submitted, flair will usually be set within 15 minutes. You’ll receive a message from the bot and your flair will be displayed on the right sidebar of /r/friendsafari when it’s done.
WARNING: Providing false information will lead to a ban from /r/friendsafari!